Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Well deserved

We had a great time at the State Fair yesterday. The weather was absolutely perfect. We ate fried pickles and saw blue ducks, and of course, the Creative Activities building. While I'm still proud of my cake, I totally understand why it didn't win when I saw the competition. On the bright side, of 25 entries only 11 got displayed (including the winners), so at least mine got put on display!
Top right corner had the same idea as me, but with much better execution.

Bottom left corner, the first place cake was made by a high school student.

I really liked the recreation of the Fairchild fountain, I thought it was very well done. Also, I'm almost the only one who didn't use fondant. 

I'm being eaten by a dinosaur!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

State Fair 2014: Water Feature

My submission to the 2014 Minnesota State Fair has been finished and submitted! I'm very proud of my creation and I hope that I at least score better than last year. Because I had another cake project this week and I didn't want to get bogged down, I made my water lilies, lily pads, and chocolate rocks ahead of time, as well as baking the cake ahead of time as well. All I had to do this past Friday was make the frosting and put it all together. 

I had a little tiny problem - make cake was taller than my cake box! This was easily fixed, because I am the daughter of an engineer and I know how to solve problems. A slit cut into each corner of the box with a stiff card inserted into the slit created a place for the lid to rest. 

We arrived at the Creative Activities building right at 11 when the submissions opened. As you can see, lots of people got there early. We waited in line for just under an hour, sneaking glances at other entries. All of the baked goods get turned in on the same day, and many people enter several categories. One woman had a rolling cart with at least 7 different entries!

I was Skyping with my sister Katie while I decorated the cake. Much to my delight, she was taking snapshots of the action the whole time, which I have included below for the amusement of all. Fun fact: she couldn't hear me due to microphone issues so it was silent film style cake decorating. Take note of her facial expressions, they're pretty great.

Frosting the cake with my fancy new frosting tip.

Katie is impressed but confused by the magic she is witnessing.

I was showing off each tool as I used it for the full cooking show effect.

Building a pond with chocolate "stones".

Me: "You should take some snapshots while I'm working." Katie: "I already have been!"

Adding the blue frosting to get the watery effect.

Swirling the blue frosting.

Tasting the blue frosting.

Andrew was brought in for a conference on the addition of piping gel to make the water look more watery.

Katie thinks the water lilies are adorable.

She can't handle how cute my cake looks.

Et voila! Finished cake!

Giant spatula to get the cake from the turntable to the cake board and box. 

Note to Katie: Sadly, the frogs didn't turn out.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

It's dangerous to go alone

This week, I made cupcakes and a small cake for the wedding of a friend and former coworker. The idea was that the cake would be the fairy fountain from Legend of Zelda, and the cupcakes would keep with the Zelda theme. The bride made her own cake toppers out of Perler beads, and we determined that they'd be hard to fit columns around, so the cake would be just the water in the fountain. 

 I didn't take a picture (due to lack of extra arms) of my new toy, the Wilton cake frosting tip. It's a giant tip, about two inches wide, that creates a thick ribbon of frosting on your cake that you then smooth out. It was a very efficient way to frost the cake, but you still definitely need a crumb coat first! My red velvet cake really really wanted to show it's crumbs through the cream cheese frosting, but I smoothed it into submission.

After a layer of white frosting went on the cake, I added random squiggles of blue frosting. Some careful and judicious swirling with a spatula gave the whole thing a fantastic, wavy, watery effect. Keep an eye out for this same technique on my State Fair cake!
Watery detail! Almost makes you thirsty.

This is my fridge with 80 cupcakes and an 8 in round cake. 

Link and Zelda cake toppers

The assembled cake and cupcake display.

The gems, known as rupees, are the currency in the Zelda games. The cupcake liners are purple & green flowers in keeping with the purple & green theme.

Congratulations, Phill and Hannah! I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Note to self

1 lb 8 oz shortening + 5 lb sugar was enough to cover 80 cupcakes while still having 2.5 lb frosting left over. It took just about 1 hour to make the frosting and frost all 80 cupcakes.

All the essentials - milk, orange juice, beer, and cupcakes.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Happy Memorial Day

I saw these cupcakes at Byerly's and I thought they were adorable, impressive, and totally doable. Maybe for July 4th?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Practice Cake #1

It's great when people invite me to things, because then I have a place to bring any extra cake I have lying around. Today's extra cake is the first practice cake for the State Fair. I think I'm on the right track with materials, I just need to fine-tune my technique. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


Played around with some melted chocolate tonight, made some pretty rocks...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Melissa's birthday shindig: Dr. Who cupcakes

I met Melissa through some mutual friends, and was delighted to find out that she is a professional cake decorator. She makes some really fantastic stuff. For her birthday, she decided that she didn't want to make her own cupcakes, so she asked me to make them for her. Of course, I wanted to impress her, so I pulled out all the stops and made some fabulous Dr. Who themed cupcakes. 

Chocolate cupcake with dark chocolate frosting and the TARDIS flying through space. I was delighted to discover that Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder creates a frosting so dark that it's practically black. No food coloring was needed to create the look of deep space, accented with gold stars, white pearls, and some silver edible spray paint. 

Yellow cake with milk chocolate frosting with a fez and a bow tie, because those are cool now. The swirl of frosting on a cupcake really reminds one of Matt Smith's swoopy hairstyle.

Yellow cake with vanilla frosting and a white chocolate coin inscribed with Melissa's name in circular Gallifreyan. I had so much fun with this app on my phone. It's so cool to me that fans get involved in the languages created by their favorite books and shows and then share that enthusiasm with the world. 

 Chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and a very ominous message written in royal icing. I was going for the feeling of graffiti on brick, and some manipulating of piping bags gave the frosting a slight square edge.
I'm very pleased with how all of the designs turned out. Of course, all of the cupcakes were delicious and the theme was a hit with the nerdy crowd I run with. I made the stand from boxes wrapped in wrapping paper and taped together.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Birthday Part 3: Tres Leches Cake

There are people who don't eat chocolate. I know this is hard to understand, but it's true. Maybe it gives them headaches, maybe it's just not their favorite flavor, whatever. Clearly, I love chocolate and I use it in most of my desserts. However, I do try to be accommodating to the people who might enjoy something else. The something else in this case is the divine vanilla treat known as Tres Leches Cake. It is a Mexican dessert that features a yellow cake soaked in three milks and topped with whipped cream instead of frosting. The cake achieves the delicious sogginess of dipping a cookie in a glass of milk, or dipping a donut in coffee. I used the Pioneer Woman's recipe, linked above.

Cake: baked, cooled, and removed from pan 
Action shot! 

Cake hanging out in a milk bath.

Mmmmm, whipped cream

All frosted 

I was slightly disappointed in this cake: it wasn't wet enough. This probably could have been fixed by poking holes in the cake before pouring the milk mixture on, or letting it soak overnight instead of just for a few  hours.

(The best Tres Leches is found at Cafe Latte, where they feature original vanilla, chocolate, and salted caramel versions. All three are amazing.)