The theme for the cake decorating competition at the State Fair this year is fall wedding cupcakes. I am mightily uninspired by this theme. Fall wedding cake? Sure. Wedding cupcakes? I can do that. But fall wedding cupcakes? Get ready for a sea of pumpkin cake with gum paste leaves, judges. I've been kicking around some ideas, and I used Jackie's birthday cake as an excuse to try some out.
I taught myself the stargazer lily and the Gerbera daisy, yay go me. The lilies look great but man alive do they take forEVER.
My thoughts on this design: the purple is too violet and not burgundy enough, the burgundy is too purple and not red enough, but the orange and yellow look great. Obviously I've got way too many flowers for the size of the cake, but imagine that as the top tier on a four tiered cake, with the flowers cascading down one side...lovely, no?